Applications Process (A two-step process):
1st Step:
- Please complete the 2025-2026 Gateway Christian School's family application. Click Family Application 2025-2026.
- Please submit your application to Cathy McCullough (email: or mail: 4210 - 59 Street, Red Deer, AB T4N 2M9).
2nd Step:
- For each student, complete Red Deer Public Schools’ online registration. Click HERE for online registration.
Depending on room and/or resources, an information meeting will be arranged.
If room and/or resources are not available, your son/daughter will be placed on a “waitlist” according to our policy. Families in this case, must have a plan “B”.
Upon approval of your application, you will receive a welcome package.
Alternative fees are charged as outlined in the School Act:
**Fees subject to change -
- The purpose of these fees is to defray non-instructional costs incurred by advancing a Christian worldview such as: Teaching for Transformation, formational learning experiences, and school culture.
- Gateway Christian School (GCS) fee structure: 2025/2026 school year alternative fees are set as follows:
High School (Gr. 9 – 12) $200.00 per student per year: Gr. 1 – 8: $300 per student per year and Kindergarten: $200.00 per student per year.
Gr. 9-12 Students:
While our elementary and middle school courses are all taught onsite at Gateway Christian, we also have off-site programs for our high school students. Instructed through our unique partnership with Lindsay Thurber High School, these programs provide advanced courses of study, wide-ranging skill development, and real-world opportunities.
Our High School students spend half of each day in their core courses at Gateway and the other half of the day completing courses at LTCHS.
Enrolment Procedures:
Students are admitted in the following order:
- Currently enrolled students proceeding to the next school year.
- Children of current staff members.
- Sibling of currently enrolled student(s).
- Waiting list students followed by new students, living within The City of Red Deer (on a first come, first serve basis).
- Waiting list students followed by new students, living outside The City of Red Deer (on a first come, first serve basis).